Upgrade to v0.45 from earlier versions

After upgrading to SigNoz version v0.45 i.e. SigNoz chart version v0.41.0, you need to run the migration script to sanitise the dashboards data.

This migration updates the panel height of the dashboard according to the new format.

Steps to run migration script:

First upgrade to v0.45

Follow the platform-specific instructions for upgrading to v0.45 and above.

For Docker

To change the directory in SigNoz repo and run following commands:

For Docker Standalone,

cd deploy/docker/clickhouse-setup

For Docker Swarm,

cd deploy/docker-swarm/clickhouse-setup

To run the migration script:

docker run --name signoz-migrate -it \
  -v $PWD/data/signoz/:/var/lib/signoz/ signoz/migrate:0.45 \

Output should be similar as below:

Data Source path:  signoz.db
2024/05/01 15:28:22 Total Dashboard found: 2
2024/05/01 15:28:22 625fa391-d9d3-47c1-809a-1a147eea229d
2024/05/01 15:28:22 b05af383-23ec-4061-8f57-0765d45ccd51
2024/05/01 15:28:22 Dashboard 625fa391-d9d3-47c1-809a-1a147eea229d updated
2024/05/01 15:28:22 Dashboard b05af383-23ec-4061-8f57-0765d45ccd51 updated
2024/05/01 15:28:22 Dashboards migrated

In case of failure or when you have to run the script again, make sure to cleanup the container.

docker stop signoz-migrate

docker rm signoz-migrate

For Kubernetes


Replace my-release with your Helm release name. And platform with your SigNoz namespace.

The steps for running the migration on kubernetes are :

  1. Update the latest chart information from the Helm repositories:

    helm repo update
  2. Include the following in your custom override-values.yaml file:

          enabled: true
            registry: docker.io
            repository: signoz/migrate
            tag: 0.45
            pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - "-dataSource=/var/lib/signoz/signoz.db"
  3. Run the following command to upgrade the chart:

    helm --namespace platform upgrade my-release signoz/signoz -f override-values.yaml
  4. Check the logs of the migration container using:

    kubectl --namespace platform logs my-release-signoz-query-service-0 -c my-release-signoz-query-service-migration

    Output should be similar as below:

    Data Source path:  signoz.db
    2024/05/01 15:28:22 Total Dashboard found: 2
    2024/05/01 15:28:22 625fa391-d9d3-47c1-809a-1a147eea229d
    2024/05/01 15:28:22 b05af383-23ec-4061-8f57-0765d45ccd51
    2024/05/01 15:28:22 Dashboard 625fa391-d9d3-47c1-809a-1a147eea229d updated
    2024/05/01 15:28:22 Dashboard b05af383-23ec-4061-8f57-0765d45ccd51 updated
    2024/05/01 15:28:22 Dashboards migrated
  5. Remove the migration init container section added in Step 2 followed by helm upgrade.

    helm --namespace platform upgrade my-release signoz/signoz -f override-values.yaml

In case of Upgrade Failure

Reach out to us at Slack.

Command-Line Interface (CLI) Flags

There is a -dataSource flag to specify the path of SQLite database file. It defaults to signoz.db.

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