Errors and Exceptions

Recording exceptions

Languages that support auto instrumentations(Python, Java, Ruby, Javascript) automatically record exceptions. For other languages, we need to record exceptions manually. Also, in some cases even for an auto-instrumented app, you may want to record custom exceptions manually.

To manually record exceptions, we need to get the span from the tracer and then call a function called recordException() or recordError() which varies across languages. Also, you can set the status of the span to error if the exception means the operation results in an error state.

Below are examples of how to record exceptions in different languages.

Record Exceptions in Java:

// Get the current span from the tracer
Span span = Span.current();

// recordException converts a Throwable into a span event.
span.recordException(new RuntimeException("Something went wrong"));

// Set the status of the span to error
span.setStatus(StatusCode.ERROR, "Something bad happened!");

Record Exceptions in Golang:

import ""

// Get the current span from the tracer
span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx)

// RecordError converts an error into a span event.

// Mark span as failed.
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, "internal error")

Record Exceptions in Python:

# Get the current span from the tracer
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.trace.status import Status, StatusCode

span = trace.get_current_span()

# record_exception converts the exception into a span event. 
exception = Exception("Something went wrong")

# Update the span status to failed.
span.set_status(Status(StatusCode.ERROR, "internal error"))

Record Exceptions in JavaScript:

// import relevant opentelemetry functions
const { trace, SpanStatusCode } = require("@opentelemetry/api");

// Get the current span from the tracer
const span = trace.getActiveSpan();
// Create a new sample error
err = new Error("This is a sample error");
// recordException converts the error into a span event. 
// Update the span status to failed.
span.setStatus({ code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: String(err) });

Record Exceptions in .NET:

OpenTelemetry .NET provides several options to report Exceptions in Activity. It varies from the most basic option of setting Status, to fully recording the Exception itself to activity. Follow opentelemetry .NET documentation to learn more.

Below is one such example:

using (var activity = MyActivitySource.StartActivity("Foo"))
    catch (SomeException ex)
        activity?.SetStatus(ActivityStatusCode.Error, ex.message);

Record Exceptions in Ruby:

# Import otel sdk
require "opentelemetry/sdk"

# Get the current span from the tracer
span = OpenTelemetry::Trace.current_span

rescue Exception => e
  # Record the exception and update the span status.
  span.status = OpenTelemetry::Trace::Status.error(e.to_s)

Record Exceptions in PHP:

//start a root span
$rootSpan = $tracer->spanBuilder('root')->startSpan();
//future spans will be parented to the currently active span
$rootScope = $rootSpan->activate();

try {
    $span1 = $tracer->spanBuilder('foo')->startSpan();
    $span1Scope = $span1->activate();

    try {
        $span2 = $tracer->spanBuilder('bar')->startSpan();
        echo 'OpenTelemetry welcomes PHP' . PHP_EOL;
    } finally {
} catch (Throwable $t) {
    //The library's code shouldn't be throwing unhandled exceptions (it should emit any errors via diagnostic events)
    //This is intended to illustrate a way you can capture unhandled exceptions coming from your app code
} finally {
    //ensure span ends and scope is detached

How to View Exceptions?

The Exceptions tab shows list of exceptions which applications encounter.

It shows the list of exceptions in the applications in a separate page so that users can access them easily. It is also linked to trace pages through which you can see where in a trace is a request facing an exception

You can sort exceptions by Last Seen, First Seen, Count, Exception type and Application name


Exception detail page includes the stack trace of the exception, exception attributes and link to the span which caused the exception.


By clicking errors in the trace page you can see the exceptions in the context of the trace request in which the exception was thrown


Grouping Exceptions

By default, exceptions on Exception List page are grouped by service name, exception type and exception message. This might result in high cardinality of exception groups, especially if exception messages contains UUIDs or randomly generated IDs.

To reduce the cardinality of the exception grouping, set the low_cardinal_exception_grouping to true in clickhousetraces exporter configuration. This will result in exception grouping by name of service and exception type.


This new grouping strategy will only be applied to new data injected after new instance of otel-collector with updated the environment variable.

Docker Standalone and Docker Swarm

To enable exception grouping, users can set LOW_CARDINAL_EXCEPTION_GROUPING=true as an environment variable for otel collector service in docker-compose.yaml.


Kubernetes (Helm)

To enable exception grouping, include the following in override-values.yaml:

  lowCardinalityExceptionGrouping: true

To install or upgrade SigNoz release with the updated configurations in override-values.yaml:

helm -n platform upgrade \
    --create-namespace --install \
    my-release signoz/signoz \
    -f override-values.yaml

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