Parsing Multiline Logs


By default when you use the filelog receiver each newline in the log line creates a new log line.

This doc goes through different ways to solve this problem where you can parse/recombine multiline logs.

Sample Multiline Logs

Here is an example of multiline logs

2024-20-06 18:58:05,898 ERROR:Exception on main handler
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in make_log
  return area[10]
IndexError: string index out of range
2024-20-06 18:58:05,898 DEBUG:Query Started

In the above example there there are two log lines spread over multiple line, but since by default each newline is treated as end of log line, multiple log lines will be created as seen in the image below.

Multiline logs broken

Multiline logs as multiple individual log lines

There are two ways you can combine these logs

  1. Parse the logs lines as multiline at the receiver itself.
  2. Recombine the multiline logs later at processor level

Parse Multiline Logs at Receiver

Since we are using the filelog receiver. It has a multiline configuration option.

In order to parse these type of logs we will have to identify a start or end pattern.

Let's understand with example

2024-20-06 18:58:05,898 ERROR:Exception on main handler
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in make_log
  return area[10]
IndexError: string index out of range
2024-20-06 18:58:05,898 DEBUG:Query Started

For the above log lines we can see that the new log line starts with Date, so our line_start_pattern will be

line_start_pattern: ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}

Once you have your line_start_pattern or line_end_pattern this is how you configuration of filelog receiver will look like

    - /var/log/example/multiline.log
      line_start_pattern: ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}

Once it is deployed correctly this is how your log lines will look

Multiline logs fixed

Multiline logs as a single individual log line

Use Recombine Operator to Combine Multiline Logs

In case the above configuration is not feasible for you, you can use the recombine operator to join back the multiline logs.

Let's take the same example again

2024-20-06 18:58:05,898 ERROR:Exception on main handler
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in make_log
  return area[10]
IndexError: string index out of range
2024-20-06 18:58:05,898 DEBUG:Query Started

Here we know that log lines is splitted into multiple individual log lines by default

Multiline logs broken

Multiline logs as multiple individual log lines

Since we know the start pattern of the new log line, here is how we will recombine it

      - type: recombine
        combine_field: body
        is_first_entry: body matches "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"
        source_identifier: attributes["log.file.path"]

Here we are matching the first line of a multiline log using is_first_entry and then combining the body field for each unique log.file.path value

once the above is deployed this is what it will look like on the UI

Multiline logs fixed

Multiline logs as a single individual log line

There are more options to play around with the recombine operator which can be checked here

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